Saturday 9 October 2010

Online Cool ASCII Generator from Network-Science.De

While googling for the online ascii generator tools, I came across a very useful site with number of fonts and other options to use in order to create cool ASCII of our texts.

__                .__     
_/  |_  ____   ____ |  |__  
\   __\/ __ \_/ ___\|  |  \ 
 |  | \  ___/\  \___|   Y  \
 |__|  \___  >\___  >___|  /
           \/     \/     \/ 
   _________   __ __  ____  
  / ___\__  \ |  |  \/    \ 
 / /_/  > __ \|  |  /   |  \
 \___  (____  /____/|___|  /
/_____/     \/           \/

Online ASCII Generator @ Network-Science.De

I found another website for the same purpose.

Have fun. :)