Tuesday 30 November 2010

Installing Evan's Debugger in Ubuntu

I needed a debugger(other than GDB) in my ubuntu and searched the net and came across the Evans Debugger. Though installation does not require much work, some of you might want some sort of article on installing it so here it is.

First, we will prepare our system by downloading the required dependencies(QT4 dev and boost dev libraries) and then we compile the debugger source archive we have previously downloaded from HERE.
Follow the steps as below to have the debugger installed on your system.

$ sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev libboost1.42-all-dev
$ tar zxvf debugger-0.9.16.tgz
$ cd debugger-0.9.16
$ qmake -makefile DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PATH="/usr/lib/edb/"
$ make
$ sudo make INSTALL_ROOT=/usr install

Now you can make the launcher or shortcut in the menu by giving the path for command as /usr/bin/edb. Hope this helps.