Thursday 17 February 2011 : A nepali download portal

I came across this nepali download portal which seems to be powered by MOS.

Mercantile communications, a leading Kathmandu based IT Company, developed a useful website for most of the download users who frequently requires different kinds of freeware/shareware programs in their day to day professional life. aims to be a window for collection of the different Freeware and shareware programs with easier and faster downloading from the local network.

Visit the site

Happy downloadings, Nepali users :)


Supertux2 console scripting hacks/tricks

SuperTux is a classic 2D jump and run sidescroller game in a similar style like the original SuperMario games. It is similar to mario with its hero as the Tux, the official mascot of the linux kernel. Well there are few interesting tricks that can be used in the console mode of this game so enjoy this post.

For the cheats to work, you need to enable the console mode either by editing the config file situated at $HOME/.supertux2/ or by running the supertux2 with the --console argument. IInd way is easier.
So we first need to start the program by typing in the Run command[Alt+F2]

supertux2 --console

Now console mode can be toggled by using a specific keyboard input which is ^ by default and can be modified from the options menu. I prefer ` as the console key.

Now while playing the game, we will press the console key and then a new overlapping console will be seen. There we will be typing the commands which will be listed in this post.

There are different kinds of functions that can be enlisted by pressing Tab when console screen is on.

Following are few interesting global functions that can be called by typing as they are below:

play_music(string musicfile) Changes music to musicfile

play_sound(string soundfile) Plays a soundfile

grease() Speeds Tux's horizontal velocity by a factor of 3.

ghost() Makes Tux a ghost, letting him float around and through objects.

invincible() Make Tux invincible for 10000 units of game time.

mortal() Recall Tux's invincibility or ghost status. (Even when not given with above 2 commands)

restart() Reinitialize and respawn Tux at the beginning of the current level.

whereami() Print out Tux's coordinates to the console.

gotoend() Moves Tux horizontally 2 screens away from the end.

camera() Display the current camera's coordinates. (top-left corner)

quit() Exits the game. (Not recommended for use in levels!)

Apart from these global ones, we can access the other objects such as Tux(object of Player class), Camera, etc. In the following list of Player class's function, you can access each of them by typing sector.Tux.function_name(). For example, to call do_cheer(), you would type sector.Tux.do_cheer() in the console.

add_bonus(string bonusname) Gives Tux the specified bonus. Replace bonusname with either of "grow", "fireflower" or "iceflower".

add_coins(int number) Gives Tux number coins.

make_invincible() Makes the player invincible for either a predefined amount of time.

deactivate() Stops the player and blocks the movement controls.

activate() Reactivates the player's movement controls.

walk(float speed) Make Tux walk

set_visible(bool visible) Shows or hides Tux according to the value of visible. Note: Tux doesn't interact with objects or badguys while invisible.

get_visible() Returns: bool; is Tux visible?

kill(bool completely) Hurts a player, if completely=true then the player will be killed even if he had grow or fireflower bonus.

set_ghost_mode(bool enable) Switches ghost mode on/off.
Lets Tux float around and through solid objects.

get_ghost_mode() Returns whether ghost mode is currently enabled

do_cheer() Makes Tux cheer, if possible.

do_duck() Makes Tux duck, if possible.

do_standup() Makes Tux stand up, if possible.

do_backflip() Makes Tux backflip, if possible.

do_jump() Makes Tux jump, if possible.

For more scripting reference, please visit this link.

Happy Supertuxing :-)


Saturday 12 February 2011

Convert UIF file to ISO with uif2iso under ubuntu

uif2iso is a command line tool to convert the compressed magicISO file format uif(Universal Image Format) to the uncompressed ISO file format and few other formats. The output format (iso, cue/bin, mds/mdf, ccd, nrg) and corresponding extension are automatically chosen by the tool, depending on what the original format of the input file was.

To install uif2iso, open the terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install uif2iso

To use this tool, type as following:

uif2iso <inputfile.uif> <output>

Thanks :)


Friday 11 February 2011

Changing desktop background in windows 7 starter edition

Earlier, I was working on newly bought netbook of my friend and I was trying to change the desktop background which was not working. I tried to find the default wallpaper image and replace that image with the desired wallpaper image, but no luck. A quick google search revealed that it was actually the limitation of the windows 7 starter edition. With few more google search, I came across a win 7 starter edition's background changer tool by Oceanis. This tool was able to change the background easily.

You can get this tool from the link below:
Oceanis win 7 starter edition background changer

Edit: Alternative download link

Credits: Oceanis +


Thursday 10 February 2011

Paros Proxy - A tool for security pentester

Paros proxy can be used as the security pentest tool for evaluating the security of the web application. Written in JAVA, this tool can be used to intercept and modify all HTTP and HTTPS data between server and client, including cookies and form fields. Moreover this tool comes with an inbuilt session ID analyzer and fuzzing tool too.

For more information and downloads, you can visit the Official Site.

Thanks. :)


ieHTTPHeaders : An IE alternative for livehttpheaders add-on

Well IE sucks but still if you need to use it and require some http header viewing addon like livehttpheaders for mozilla firefox, then there exists a tool called ieHTTPHeaders serving the same purpose.

I won't write much about it, just visit the official webpage for more information and download links:
Official webpage of ieHTTPheaders


Tuesday 8 February 2011

How to remove OS Boot Options from GRUB 2

Well due to number of updates, my ubuntu installation was showing numbers of OS boot options and I had to clean up the boot options. With new grub2, removing the older kernel packages from synaptic package manager is sufficient to remove these extra entries from grub. All you have to do is remove the kernel package and then update grub configuration.

In my case, I'll be removing the kernel package version 2.6.35-23 generic so I do search for it in the synaptic package manager.

Now from the search result, I chose the 2.6.35-23 generic and then right clicked and selected Mark for Complete Removal option. Now, we just need to apply the changes and wait for few minutes while everything is being done. The update-grub is done automatically and in case, it is not done, you can do sudo update-grub from terminal.

I hope this helps you. Enjoy :)


Bittorrent Client for mobiles [Symbian and Java]

We've been using tons of bittorrent clients for P2P file sharing in our computers but now we have now got such bittorrent clients for mobile phones too. Applied Mobile Research Group (AMORG) from Hungary has developed the two bittorrent clients that will work in symbian based phones and java enabled phones.

Symtorrent is the first symbian OS based bittorrent client which supports multiple torrent downloads with both download and upload options. It has every feature that a basic torrent client should have and works in the Symbian OS 3rd and 5th edition. More information on Symtorrent in the official webpage

Mobtorrent is the bittorrent client for the JAVA powered phones so you don't need to worry if you don't have s60 phones.

Also, both of these tools are released under GNU GPL license and hence are free and open source tools. Hope this is informative for you guys. :)