Showing posts with label software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label software. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Source Code Auditing With Graudit

Graudit is a simple script and signature sets that allows you to find potential security flaws in source code using the GNU utility grep. It's comparable to other static analysis applications like RATS, SWAAT and flaw-finder while keeping the technical requirements to a minimum and being very flexible.

The tool can be downloaded from HERE


Search, Stream, and/or Download Audios/Videos From Youtube and Other Sites With GMediaFinder

GMediaFinder is a new GTK based desktop application that allows you to search, stream and download audios and videos from different sites. Both the windows and linux version of the tool are available and it can be great alternative to Minitube for linux.

It support fullscreen mode (double click on the video or F2/esc), visualisations and use the gstreamer engine to play sounds and videos. This tool also allows searching and streaming of audio and video from several other websites such as, Tagoo, etc.

It is available for ubuntu through PPA so to install the tool, type the following commands in your terminal.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:s-lagui/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gmediafinder

I hope this info is useful. :)


Thursday 9 June 2011

Advanced HTTP Fingerprinting With httprecon

One of the first steps in web server hacking involves fingerprinting to gather information regarding the web server and various mods applied to it. Fingerprinting the web server manually can be cumbersome so some good folks have developed an advanced open-source fingerprinting tool known as httprecon

*Description from official webpage:

The httprecon project is doing some research in the field of web server fingerprinting, also known as http fingerprinting. The goal is the highly accurate identification of given httpd implementations. This is very important within professional vulnerability analysis.

Besides the discussion of different approaches and the documentation of gathered results also an implementation for automated analysis is provided. This software shall improve the easyness and efficiency of this kind of enumeration. Traditional approaches as like banner-grabbing, status code enumeration and header ordering analysis are used. However, many other analysis techniques were introduced to increase the possibilities of accurate web server fingerprinting.

Check the Page of httprecon project


Thursday 2 June 2011

MidpSSH: SSH and Telnet Client For J2ME Phones

MidpSSH is an SSH and Telnet client for MIDP 1.0 / 2.0 (J2ME) devices such as Java™-capable cellphones and other mobile devices.

MidpSSH provides SSH (Secure Shell) and Telnet functionality on mobile devices such as cellphones. This is really useful for people who need to access a server wherever they are, without carrying around a computer or searching for an Internet connection. Because the screen is small, the connection is often slow, and you’re possibly without a full keyboard, it isn’t great for prolonged use - but if you’re desperate it’s a life saver.

For downloading and more information, go to the official site.

I hope this tool comes useful for you sometimes. :)


Tuesday 24 May 2011

Remove Warnings & Notices From Psychostats

I was testing the psychostats script today and while testing I found that it displayed lots of warnings and notices that make the script look so bad as the output is totally messed up. This post will help you to fix this problem.

At first, I tried to change the error_reporting and display_errors setting in php.ini file but I could not get rid of those errors. So I then put a line of code as below at the top of index.php file of psychostats. Still no luck. Finally, I navigated to ./includes relative to psychostats root folder where there was a file named class_PS.php. Open this file and type the following line below <php line.


This will suppress all those errors and will make your psychostats look better. I hope this helps.


Saturday 14 May 2011

Get High Compression Ratio With KGBArchiver

So you are wondering how you could compress your 2gb game data into less than 100 MBs? Are you lacking hard disk space and want to store files in the compressed form? If yes, then this post will direct you towards the solution.

KGB Archiver is the compression tool with unbelievable high compression rate. It surpasses even such efficient compression tool like 7zip and UHARC in terms of the abilities. KGB Archiver uses AES-256 encryption to encrypt archives. While the compression ratio is very high, it requires relatively high PC specification and it also requires more time to compress and decompress the file. But still this compression program will come in use sometimes.

For more information and download, visit KGBAarchiver's sourceforge page.


Friday 13 May 2011

Physical Memory Acquisition With MDD

MDD is a physical memory acquisition tool for imaging Windows based computers created by the innovative minds at ManTech International Corporation. MDD is capable of acquiring memory images from Win2000, XP, Vista and Windows Server.

This tool can be pretty useful to analyze the data present in RAM. Whenever we are running programs, RAM stores various range of information being used by the program. For example, if we are running a web browser, the RAM may contain the URLs being visited, form data, etc. So you can just guess we can extract a lot of information from RAM. Thus, MDD can be very useful tool to dump the physical memory into the file from which we can extract the required information.

You can read more and download the tool from MDD SourceForge Page.


Tuesday 10 May 2011

Phatch : Batch photo processing GUI tool

Phatch(Photo + Batch) is an user friendly, cross-platform Photo Batch Processor and Exif Renamer with a nice graphical user interface. Phatch handles all popular image formats and can duplicate (sub)folder hierarchies. Phatch can batch resize, rotate, apply shadows, perspective, rounded corners, … and do much more actions in minutes instead of hours or days if you do it manually.

For more information on Phatch, you can visit HERE.


Actions: resize, rotate, invert, flip, watermark, shadow, rounded corners and much more!
Drag & drop of actions
Enable & disable actions
Can copy folder hierarchies
Python shell
Error logging
File history
Console (can run on servers without gui)
Desktop droplets
Image Inspector (exif & iptc)
Cross-platform (Linux, Windows & Mac)

File formats

Phatch supports the same file formats as PIL…

Read & write: 'bmp','dib','gif','jpe','jpeg','jpg','im','msp', 'pcx','png','pbm','pgm','ppm','tif','tiff','xbm'
Read only: 'cur','dcx','fli','flc','fpx', 'gbr','gd','ico','imt','mic','mcidas','pcd', 'psd','bw','rgb','cmyk','sun','tga','xpm'
Write only: 'eps','ps','pdf'

Color support

Phatch supports these color modes:

Monochrome (1-bit pixels, black and white)
Grayscale (8-bit pixels, black and white)
RGB (3x8-bit pixels, true colour)
RGBA (4x8-bit pixels, RGB with transparency mask)
CMYK (4x8-bit pixels, colour separation)
P (8-bit pixels, mapped using a colour palette)
YCbCr (3x8-bit pixels, colour video format)
I (32-bit integer pixels)
F (32-bit floating point pixels)

To install phatch under ubuntu, type the following in terminal:

sudo apt-get install phatch